Cervical Cancer: This cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women, know from its symptoms to prevention Trigger-G

Cervical Cancer: This cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women, know from its symptoms to prevention Trigger-G

Cancer cases are being reported increasing rapidly in many countries of the world including India. Cancers can be of many types and mostly cause serious and life-threatening conditions. This is the reason that every year millions of people die due to cancer globally. Cervical cancer is one such serious cancer that occurs in women. Cases of cervical cancer or commonly known as cancer of the oral cavity of the uterus have also increased rapidly in India in the past few years.

According to the report of Globocan, 604,100 new cases of cervical cancer were detected globally in the year 2020 and 341,831 people died due to this cancer this year.

The first indigenous vaccine has been launched in India on Thursday, 1 September for the prevention of cervical cancer. Experts believe that through this vaccine, success can be achieved in reducing this serious risk of cancer and mortality to a great extent in the coming years. Cervical cancer is mainly caused by different variants of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Health experts say, keeping in mind the risks of cancer, all people should keep taking measures to prevent it. Let us know in detail about this risk of cancer and its symptoms and prevention.


Cervical cancer and its symptoms

According to health experts, cervical cancer accounts for 6-29% of all types of cancer in Indian women. Getting timely screening tests and getting vaccinated to prevent HPV infection can help reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Although the symptoms are not obvious in the initial stage of this cancer, although as it progresses, many problems may be experienced.

  • Bleeding between periods
  • Bleeding after intercourse.
  • Bleeding that occurs even after menopause.
  • Vaginal discharge with strong odor.
  • Pain persisting in the pelvis.

What are the causes of cervical cancer?

Cases of cervical cancer are mainly caused by infection with the HPV virus. It is a sexually transmitted virus. Experts say that having multiple sexual partners increases the risk of this type of cancer. Apart from this, a weak immune system also increases the risk of this cancer in you.

You may also be at risk if you are a smoker, taking immunosuppressive drugs in excess. One study shows that most people are infected with HPV at some point in their lives, but they don't realize it because their body fights off the infection and eliminates it.

Diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer

Screening tests help detect cervical cancer and cell growth. Apart from this, the doctor may also recommend a HPV DNA test to confirm based on the symptoms. The treatment of cervical cancer depends on many factors, such as the stage of the cancer, other health problems, etc. Based on this, techniques like surgery, radiation and chemotherapy can be used.

Doctors say, cervical cancer is a big threat, to be safe from it, it is necessary for all women to know about the methods of prevention. HPV vaccine, reduces the risk of this cancer in you, soon indigenous vaccine will also be available in the country. Apart from this, take special care of hygiene and protective measures during intercourse. If you smoke then stop it, it can increase the risk of many other types of health problems along with cervical cancer.