Russia-Ukraine War: Russia's major attack on Ukrainian soldiers, 48 ​​tanks and 37 armored combat vehicles destroyed Trigger-G

Russia-Ukraine War: Russia's major attack on Ukrainian soldiers, 48 ​​tanks and 37 armored combat vehicles destroyed Trigger-G

 Russia has launched a major attack on Ukrainian soldiers trying to attack near Mikolaiv. Russia claims that more than 1200 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in its attack. Along with its 48 tanks and 37 armored fighting vehicles, a huge amount of weapons and military equipment have also been destroyed.


Russia-Ukraine War: Putin supporters reached the stage with the skull of a Ukrainian soldier, created a ruckus

Putin's supporter, holding the skull of a Ukrainian soldier in his hand, said that we are fighting with an idea and those who are with that idea will be killed like this soldier. Supporters of Vladimir Putin further said that there will be no peace there.
 We will deprive Ukraine of Ukrainians. After this, the Putin supporter showed the skull of the Ukrainian soldier and said that we are still alive and it is already dead. Let it burn in the fire of Hell. It was not lucky.