House of the Dragon's Episode 4moral lesson of the week: sex is always political

House of the Dragon's Episode 4moral lesson of the week: sex is always political

 The fourth episode of House of the Dragon is steeped in the quagmire of sexual politics that has haunted the series so far, but remains largely off-screen and subtextual. “King of the Narrow Sea” takes Rainera to the grim city, and plunges us all into a confrontation with issues of age and consent, power dynamics and, of course, incest.

In short, a lot of sex happens, but it's hard to say that it's completely consensual. If the show has been a succession with dragons so far, we can say that this episode was Touch Euphoria and Touch, er, Game of Thrones.

House of the Dragon, “King of the Narrow Sea

The film "Narrow Sea Ka Raja" presents a small plot of land, but this does not diminish the importance of what is happening on the screen. The episode title refers to the title given to Damon (Matt Smith) after the successful completion of the Battle of Stepstone. He returned to the king's court with respect for his efforts, and wasted no time in resuming his niece's courtship.
Reinera (Melle Alcock) returns from a horribly unsuccessful "tour" organized by her father, as she overhears and rejects a list of increasingly ridiculous attempts by the lords of the kingdom to compete for his hand in marriage. Is. We see two lovers at both ends of the scale, one drunk and wandering seventy man and the other terrified boy making his apprentice proposal in a post-puberty voice.
Frustrated, she returns home to King's Landing, where Damon soon kicks her out of the castle like two kids playing hooky. But they're not two kids, of course, and for all that Rainera is happy to dress up as a boy and steal from street vendors, it's no Aladdin-esque castle escape. Damon has several purposes for introducing himself to the dusty farmers of King's Landing.

One goal involves introducing her to the citizens and their true feelings about her potential reign as queen, which comes through rough play.

That centuries-old keeper of the Enlightenment, Panto, makes it clear that the crowd views Rainera as a "weaker" ruler than his strong, manly younger brother, even though Aegon is barely out of bed. Rainyara, as she does from the beginning, dismisses their opinions, but Damon has one more lesson to teach her about how the world works.

This time he takes her to a brothel. There he reveals his scads of wrinkled permutations of lovers; This, he explains, is where people come to "get what they want." Taken at face value, he wants to reassure her that she can fulfill her obligation to marry but still sleep with whoever she wants - but we know better than that now, don't we? They make out at first, with Damon pushing her against a wall and partially tearing her apart.

Things continue until Damon, whom he is a) a teenager b) has a momentary spasm of conscience about having sex with his underage niece, whom he has been drawn to since childhood and d) brazenly From uses as a power grab, restrains himself and, with a mysterious smile, vanishes to complete ruin.

What Happened Last Night on House of the Dragon Episode 4 ?

At least four years have passed since the death of Belon Targaryen - "heir for a day" - an event that opened the vacuum of succession over the House of the Dragon.

The queen, Alicent Hightower (Emily Carey), has meanwhile given birth to a son (the eldest son and first in line to the throne according to gender tradition) and is now nursing another child. Meanwhile, King Viserys I (Paddy Considine) continues to age, developing fully brutal armies in his back and arms, a clear depiction of a sick state on the brink of civil war.

Episode 4 takes place around AC 116, with Princess Renera (Millie Alcock) now almost 18 years old. (The series is expected to move forward another fifteen years in upcoming episodes.)

The episode unfolds like a bloody Bildungsroman (a coming-of-age saga). In the literary genre, it is often the first sexual experience for the protagonist, whose development frames the overall posture of the story - often referring to the loss of one's innocence and entry into the adult world. While Game of Thrones marked the moment with sexual violence (Daenerys forcibly betrayed Drogo), House of the Dragon chose to mark the occasion with... well, whatever between Renera and Damon. Happens also. Was it a ploy of power? wanted to? Was this...consensual? Yes? Yes? No?