China and Russia see the United States in the United Nations.

China and Russia see the United States in the United Nations.

 UNITED NATIONS - As the United Nations General Assembly closed on Monday, hundreds of speeches by world leaders focused on harrowing images of death and destruction in Ukraine underscored the United Nations' inability to stop or end the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Although President Biden announced significant new aid packages and funding for Ukraine, countries around the world took the opportunity to appeal to world leaders to tackle rising inequality, which is the focus of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' inaugural speech. .

On Saturday, the 193-nation council listened to China and Russia and each seized the moment to put the United States in the crossfire.

Chinese minister van buitelandse sake, Wang Yi, het die Verenigde State aangeval en gesê "proteksionisme kan net boemerang," met die hoop dat die V.S. Sal nie 'n groot sakeverhouding verlaat nie. Wang en die Amerikaanse minister van buitelandse sake, Antony Blinken, het op die kantlyn van 'n vergadering van die Verenigde Nasies ontmoet.

Beijing se fokus was op die huidige breuk met Taiwan, het Wang aan diplomate gesê - 'n punt wat gemik is op onlangse opmerkings deur mnr Biden oor "60 minute".

Chinese minister van buitelandse sake, Wang Yi, het die Verenigde State aangeval en gesê "proteksionisme kan net boemerang," met die hoop dat die V.S. Sal nie 'n groot sakeverhouding verlaat nie. Wang en die Amerikaanse minister van buitelandse sake, Antony Blinken, het op die kantlyn van 'n vergadering van die Verenigde Nasies ontmoet.

Wang Yi, China's foreign minister, speaks during the United Nations General Assembly in New York City on Sept. 24, 2022. / Credit: Jeenah Moon/Bloomberg/Getty Images
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Beijing se fokus was op die huidige breuk met Taiwan, het Wang aan diplomate gesê - 'n punt wat gemik is op onlangse opmerkings deur mnr Biden oor "60 minute".

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Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attacked the United States, saying "protectionism can only boomerang," hoping that the U.S. Will not leave a great business relationship. Wang and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met on the sidelines of a United Nations meeting.

Beijing's focus was on the current rift with Taiwan, Wang told diplomats - a point aimed at recent comments by Mr Biden on "60 Minutes".

"Any plan to interfere in China's internal affairs will face strong opposition from all Chinese and any move to hinder China's reunification will certainly be crushed by the wheels of history," he said.

The US ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, told CBS News this week that there has been intense US diplomacy in an effort to convince China that Russia's invasion of a sovereign nation is contrary to China's old policy. Wang's statements underscored what Chinese President Xi Jinping has told Russian President Vladimir Putin in recent weeks — that China is uncomfortable with the war.

"China supports all efforts for a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine crisis," Wang told world leaders. "The immediate priority is to facilitate dialogue for peace. The basic solution is to address legitimate security concerns for all parties."

Regarding Ukraine, Wang said, "President Xi called on the international community to pursue common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security while respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries."

Speaking to the General Assembly and then to reporters, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made it clear that Moscow would not take the first step in negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, condemning that "Russophobia in the West is now unprecedented, the scope bizarre." Is ."

The comments came as the Russian military launched new military offensives in Ukrainian cities, including Zaporizhzhya. Russia is also currently holding referendums in parts of Ukraine. There, Ukrainians vote on whether they should be part of Russia. It is a move that is not only seen as illegal by the West, but as a possible justification for Russia's use of force in these regions later.

"Mock Moscow running in the occupied territories cannot be called a referendum," Sergei Kislitsya, the UN ambassador to Ukraine, told CBS News on Saturday. "And its consequences are and will be zero."

When asked by CBS News about Putin's comments suggesting the use of nuclear weapons, Mr. Biden referred, Lavrov referred to Russia's "nuclear security doctrine" in which self-defense is at the core, a definition that is often in the eye of the beholder.

As the next step for the United Nations, efforts to achieve unity against war will continue, albeit to no avail. In a letter obtained by CBS News, sent by Kislitsa to Nicolas de Rivire - France's permanent representative to the United Nations, who also serves as the current chairman of the Security Council this month - Ukraine has the 15-nation called, request a meeting. of the body next week to discuss a "sham 'referendum'" in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.