Atal Bridge: Before the inauguration, PM Modi shared the pictures of Atal Bridge, told Trigger-G

Atal Bridge: Before the inauguration, PM Modi shared the pictures of Atal Bridge, told Trigger-G


Atal Bridge

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Gujarat on Saturday. He will lay the foundation stone and inaugurate many schemes here. On his Ahmedabad visit, the PM is also going to inaugurate the Atal bridge on the Sabarmati river. This bridge is for pedestrians. However, even before this, the PM has tweeted some pictures of this bridge. At the same time, describing these pictures as beautiful, he wrote - "Atal bridge looks beautiful!"

Atal-Bridge has been built at a cost of Rs 74 crore. This bridge is built between Ellis Bridge and Sardar Bridge on the Sabarmati River. On this footover bridge, pedestrians as well as cyclists will get the facility of movement between East and West Coast.

This bridge is named after former Prime Minister of India Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Decorated with LED lights, the design of this bridge is quite attractive and the engineering skills can be seen in it.

Atal-Bridge has been built at a cost of Rs 74 crore. This bridge is built between Ellis Bridge and Sardar Bridge on the Sabarmati River. On this footover bridge, pedestrians as well as cyclists will get the facility of movement between East and West Coast.

Atal Bridge has been built at a cost of Rs 74 crore. This bridge is built between Ellis Bridge and Sardar Bridge on the Sabarmati River. On this footover bridge, pedestrians as well as cyclists will get the facility of movement between East and West Coast.


The total length of this bridge made of iron pipe structure weighing 2600 tonnes is 300 meters. At the same time, the width from both the ends is close to 10 meters. The bridge widens to about 14 meters in the middle. Its roof is designed with stained glass. The bridge has wooden and granite floors. Planters, stainless steel and glass railings add to the charm of the bridge. There is a cafeteria and proper seating arrangement.